Tweets from a presentation by Angela Ashenden, Principal Analyst, MWD Advisors entitled: Building a collaborative culture: people, processes and technology
(to be read from the bottom up!)
Collab tool strategy (2): identify & address resistance; incentivise collaboration; lead by example
Collab tool strategy (1): clear business goals; sponsorship throughout org; focus on practical examples
Main pitfalls collab tools (2) Doing too much too soon; trying to replace e-mail; creating new info silos
Main pitfalls (1): collab technology is not the main focus; viral [change management] is not enough; not a cheap option
Team workspaces vs online communities – currently different but coming together e.g. IBM Quicker / Connections
Sees social tools as layered above other tools e.g. ability to annotate content or associate profiles w/ people
Problem is large number of collaboration tools & what they do e.g. communication vs content creation / editing
Collaborative tools are not extra to what we do: they capture knowledge, process, people involved as are used
Technology makes collaborative working possible (!) – social tools, conferencing tools, SaaS and the “cloud”
cf #swchat who have weekly tweet ups e.g. on teaching better collaboration – best is to demo relevant examples
Problem w/ turn-over of CIOs who are often the sponsors of collaborative working – but can leave before…[embedding]
takes time and sustained approach to change behaviours to collaborative working
strategic issues: lack of top level support, mid mgmt blockers, inadequate education / support, unmanaged…
barriers – still knowledge is power, habits – email vs collab tools, WIIFM, not a priority, collab tool fatigue
flatter hierarchy, culture of sharing / trust & desire to create engaged workforce also impact collaboration
innovation, supporting distributed teams & need to work closely w/ customers also increasw import of collaboration
pressure of doing more w/ less, greater turn-over, retirement are making knowledge sharing harder and more important
collaboration = practice of people working together to get the job done
@aashenden just beginning her talk @ukeigagm on the ‘softer’ aspects of collaborative working
Thanks for posting Elisabeth – your Twitter commentary provides a great summary of my presentation!
Thanks for that Angela – an exercise like this really focuses (and exercises!) the mind. Glad it worked!
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