Climate and Nature

Supporting your thinking and wellbeing in relation to climate change and the loss of biodiversity

Coaching conversations to access your resourcefulness, your choices and power, your courage and resolve.

What we are experiencing as part of all of living life, with climate change and diminishing biodiversity can feel overwhelming at times. It can provoke feelings such as anger, anxiety and grief.

Many of us are already making changes in what we buy and what we eat, how we travel, how we manage our gardens and waste, our use of water and energy, and more.

These changes might feel small but we can magnify them, through the conversations that we have at home and at work, and through what we do in our wider communities.

Voicing how you feel and what matters to you, exploring what else you could do and still look after your wellbeing. These are topics that I can help you with, through one-to-one and group coaching. 

Coaching provides a safe and open space that can help you to acknowledge, normalise and process your emotions, and access your resourcefulness, your choices and power, your courage and resolve.

We may not be able to reverse all of the impact that humanity has had on our planet, but we can find a meaningful way to act and live with that.

I am locally active in making a positive difference for all of living life. My group coaching style workshops can give you a safe and supported space to explore how you are feeling and what you would like to do in relation to the nature and climate crisis.

I provide one-to-one coaching on this topic too.

Further information and upcoming dates for my workshops:

“We need to talk about climate and nature action”

Ely Library 31st January 10:00 – 11:30 am


“the title was engaging, the presentation was well structured and it was sympathetic to the audience. The break-out sections gave us a chance to process the ideas more thoroughly.”

“I learned much and to my surprise it was the meditative/reflect aspect that over time I think will prove very valuable.”

Participants at “We need to talk about climate action” workshop, Histon, Cambridgeshire

“Thank you so much for the great session at Linton Library today. It was thought-provoking and encouraging and people left feeling more positive about what they could do. I was pleased with the turnout, and I think it will lead the participants to have more conversations and inspire more people – which is how movements grow.”

Anna McMahon, Library Development Officer, Cambridgeshire Library Service

“Elisabeth’s coaching sessions and the use of activities and questions have helped me adapt to the challenges of a new role by giving me new ways of thinking about problems and decisions.

Most importantly, gaining insight on some of my beliefs – which turned out to be impossible to live up to – is helping me to be more realistic about what I do and focus on the things that matter to me.”

Lisa Redrup

“I found the overview that Elisabeth presented for my local coaches’ group very interesting and thought provoking. It is an area that I am interested in but feel I could invest more and the session made me think about how committed I actually am.

I really liked the Flynn model and can see how I would use this more widely.

Thanks again for such an interesting session.”

Amanda Bettridge, Cambridge Coaching Group

“The Climate Coaching sessions with Elisabeth were a fascinating journey in an area I thought I knew well.

I discovered many strengths and identified more areas for development. I am clearer about the need to take action so that I am more aligned with my core values.

I feel more motivated to have a positive impact on nature and the environment both in my personal and professional lives.


“The sessions with Elisabeth have really helped me to reflect on my current and future activity regarding the climate crisis. Elisabeth listens very well, picking up on unspoken cues too, and asks  pertinent questions which assist in developing my thinking and planning. 

I have been impressed by the range of skills and tools Elisabeth has to offer. Some of her creative approaches have enabled me to gain a surprising, fresh perspective on the question in hand.  

I have no hesitation in recommending Elisabeth’s climate coaching to others.”

Eileen, Cambs.

“My coaching session in nature with Elisabeth was both enjoyable & illuminating, providing me with insights that I am eager to try out whenever opportunities present themselves.

Even on my way home from the session, I felt more confident about the issue we had focused on & consequently spent most of my bus journey discussing the climate crisis with the stranger sitting next to me.

Elisabeth’s coaching definitely had a freeing effect!”

Sandra, Cambridgeshire

“Thank you for sharing your story and stimulating some insightful, reflective sessions this evening Elisabeth. I found the Flynn model [being vs doing] a really useful way of framing the Co-coaching and as was shared in the group discussion, in a short time it enabled the person being coached to move from a sense of feeling ‘crushed’ to identifying positive action and a sense of ‘hopefulness’.”

Vanda Morgan, Association for Coaching, Cambridge Co-coaching Group Lead