Ensuring successful business change

Elisabeth Goodman’s blog: a summary, some statistics, and a hiatus whilst I focus on some publications on Lean, Process Improvement and Team Effectiveness

WordPress has some fascinating tools for monitoring the level of readership of blog postings.  Here are the statistics (as of 30th Nov 2009) on all my blogs since I started posting them in July 2009 Title Views Knowledge assets have been walking out o 232 Deep Visuals Ltd – how Kodak’s knowledge 194 There’s more …

Elisabeth Goodman’s blog: a summary, some statistics, and a hiatus whilst I focus on some publications on Lean, Process Improvement and Team Effectiveness Read More »

Why conventional knowledge management, process improvement and project management won’t work with ‘clever’ teams. Or will they?

‘Simply putting clever people together does not make a team’, and, ‘There are many examples of extremely bright and talented groups that signally underperform’.  So say Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones in ‘Clever. Leading your smartest, most creative people.’ (1) This book, which Elisabeth Goodman, principal consultant at RiverRhee Consulting, picked up as a result …

Why conventional knowledge management, process improvement and project management won’t work with ‘clever’ teams. Or will they? Read More »

Personal reflections on living through change and… reaching ones potential

All change practitioners, and those who have practiced ‘change management’ know the theory about negative and positive change, based on Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s experience of people dealing with grief.  And, as organisational change practitioners, we encourage people to bear these in mind when they are either responsible for introducing significant change, or are trying to cope …

Personal reflections on living through change and… reaching ones potential Read More »

Powerful quotes for strong performing (effective) teams

Followers of my blogs will know that I have been reading Stephen Covey’s “The 8th Habit” and have found it very inspirational both from a personal perspective, and for the various ways in which I help teams become a strong foundation for their organisations. I particularly liked the following quotes which Covey includes in his …

Powerful quotes for strong performing (effective) teams Read More »

(Project) leaders empower, (project) managers organise

When I work with project teams, they often have both project leader and manager roles, but are unclear about their respective roles; or have only the one role, and miss out some of the vital responsibilities. In my continued reading of Stephen Covey’s 8th Habit, I find that he and his team have done some …

(Project) leaders empower, (project) managers organise Read More »